Abstract:Objective: To investigate the value of ultrasound elastography(UE) in assessing quadriceps tendon injury of active period in rheumatoid arthritis(RA). Methods: Forty healthy volunteers(control group) and forty RA patients were selected. The quadriceps tendons were divided into proximal, middle, and distal segments. According to the achilles tendon segmentation method. Using two-dimensional ultrasound and UE to examine the quadriceps tendon of the knee joint, and the results were recorded and graded. Quadriceps tendon can be divided into grade Ⅰ, grade Ⅱ, and grade Ⅲ. Grade Ⅰ tendons were considered as normal tendons, and grade Ⅱ and grade Ⅲ tendons were considered as abnormal or damaged tendons. Consistency test for tendon ultrasound diagnostic grading were evaluated by two evaluators. SPSS 22.0 was used for statistical analysis of data. Results: The number of abnormal quadriceps tendon of each segment detected by two-dimensional ultrasound was not statistically significant between the control group and the RA active group(P=0.173, P=0.072, P=0.242). The number of abnormal quadriceps tendon of proximal segments detected by UE was not statistically significant between the two groups(P=0.093), thus, there was a statistically significant difference in the number of abnormal quadriceps tendon of middle and distal segments(P=0.002, P=0.001). The two groups had better consistency in assessing tendon grading by two-dimensional ultrasound, the control group(k=0.794, k=0.851, k=0.726), and the RA active group(k=0.707, k=0.709, k=0.703); The two groups were moderately consistent of grading of tendon of the proximal segments by UE, the control group(k=0.576), and the RA active group(k=0.574). The two groups had better consistency in the middle and distal segments of the tendon, the control group(k=0.739, k=0.717), and the RA active group(k=0.710, k=0.723). Conclusion: UE is useful in evaluating middle and distal segments quadriceps tendon injury in active RA patients; UE can provide quadriceps tendon stiffness information of RA active period, which can be used as a supplementary examination of two-dimensional ultrasound method.
王 挺,黄乐乐,张思功,刘 婷,王 媛,王引弟. 二维超声及超声弹性成像对类风湿关节炎股四头肌肌腱的评估[J]. 中国临床医学影像杂志, 2020, 31(1): 57-60.
WANG Ting, HUANG Le-le, ZHANG Si-gong, LIU Ting, WANG Yuan, WANG Yin-di. Evaluation of quadriceps tendon in rheumatoid arthritis with two-dimensional ultrasound and ultrasound elastography. JOURNAL OF CHINA MEDICAL IMAGING, 2020, 31(1): 57-60.
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