Abstract:Objective: To investigate the association between anterior circulation artery(intracranial carotid artery or middle cerebral artery) stenosis and lacune or lacunar infarction in elderly patients. Methods: The imaging data of 74 elderly patients with intracranial artery atherosclerosis and ischemic cerebral infarction in our hospital from May 2016 to August 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients underwent brain MRI or CT plain scan, as well as magnetic resonance angiography(MRA). The association between anterior circulation artery stenosis, vascular stenosis distribution, vascular stenosis degree and lacune or lacunar infarction was analyzed. Results: There were 49 cases of lacune or lacunar infarction in 63 elderly patients with anterior cerebral circulation artery stenosis(49/74, 66.2%), and only 4 cases of lacune or lacunar infarction in 11 patients without anterior circulation artery stenosis(4/74, 5.4%). There was a correlation between the anterior cerebral circulation artery stenosis and the occurrence of lacune or lacunar infarction(χ2=5.996, P=0.014). There were 16 cases of lacune or lacunar infarction in 25 patients with unilateral anterior circulation artery stenosis(16/63, 25.4%), and 33 cases of lacune or lacunar infarction in 38 patients with bilateral anterior circulation artery stenosis(33/63, 52.4%). There was a correlation between the vascular stenosis distribution and lacune or lacunar infarction occurrence(χ2=4.552, P=0.033). There was no significant difference between the different degrees of anterior circulation artery stenosis(χ2=2.550, P=0.466). Conclusions: The correlation between intracranial carotid artery or middle cerebral artery stenosis and lacunar infarction or lacune in elderly patients may exist. Risk for lacunar infarction or lacune is higher in patients with bilateral artery stenosis than in patients with unilateral artery stenosis.
周 群,朱幼玲,穆艳芳,唐 敏,翟登月. 前循环血管狭窄与老年患者腔隙或腔隙性脑梗死发生的相关性[J]. 中国临床医学影像杂志, 2019, 30(4): 238-241.
ZHOU Qun, ZHU You-ling, MU Yan-fang, TANG Min, ZHAI Deng-yue. Association between anterior circulation artery stenosis and lacune or lacunar infarction in elderly patients. JOURNAL OF CHINA MEDICAL IMAGING, 2019, 30(4): 238-241.
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