1. Department of MR, Xigu District People’s Hospital, Lanzhou 730060, China;
2. Department of MR, Second Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the relationship between the characteristics of the micro-structural changes in the leukoaraiosis(LA) and the white matter fiber bundle and the correlation with the fall. Methods: Sixty-six participants(LA subjects 21 with fallers, LA subjects 23 non-fallers and healthy controls) were evaluated with conventional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging(DTI) sequences of the whole brain. DTI metrics were obtained from selected. LA using tract-based spatial statistics(TBSS) method. Binary logistic regression was applied to investigate the clinical variables that could act as confounding elements on the outcomes. The TBSS analysis was then repeated including all significant predictor variables from the regression analysis as TBSS covariates. Result: The fractional anisotropy(FA) values of the projection fibers and commissural bundles were significantly different in LA with fall(P<0.05) compared to LA subject non-fall and healthy control. However, the final logistic regression model showed that only functional reach, LA disease volume demonstrated statistically significant differences between fallers and non-fallers. No significant differences were found in the DTI metrics when taking into account age and the other four variables as covariates in the repeated analysis. Conclusion: DTI can find early changes in microstructure of white matter fiber bundle in early LA. It provides important basis for identifying patients with related fall risk and judging the condition of the disease.
刘英琦1,张 静2,吕子鑫1,魏延涛1,冯照明1,薛 薇1. 脑白质疏松症与跌倒相关性的DTI研究[J]. 中国临床医学影像杂志, 2019, 30(11): 761-764.
LIU Ying-qi1, ZHANG Jing2, LV Zi-xin1, WEI Yan-tao1, FENG Zhao-ming1, XUE Wei1. The study of DTI in leukoaraiosis and its correlation with fall. JOURNAL OF CHINA MEDICAL IMAGING, 2019, 30(11): 761-764.
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